Change is fun

so why do we hate it so much?

Change is fun

Life is all about change.
Your Business will love it!

Change is key to life. In fact, it is absolutely vital to growth. 
We don’t stay babies all our lives now, do we?

And yet, we don’t like change. If we are honest with ourselves, we hate it. We really do.

Or at least that is what we think or how we were taught to believe.

You see, it is not change we hate, it is the resistance to change which is tough.

Once you embrace change you see everything around you with a different perspective.

In fact, most of the time, change is forced on us. Circumstances give us no alternative than to do things differently. If we did not act we would not be able to reach our goals.

You see, we go through life from one comfort zone to another. It is the way we behave during that change that makes the difference in our feelings about change.

Transformation is more than change.
It is revitalising your business

Bringing new life to a business needs more than facing change. It is reacting to change and even, sometimes, requires transforming the business to better serve your audience.

In some cases, it might even mean identifying new audiences. New people to serve with the same offer or create a completely new offer.

Approaching this takes care and consideration. 

Think of the steps you need to have in place to deal with such a transformation.

Understand how to cope without being overwhelmed and you are on track to success.

One last thought. Don’t let change surprise you. Be prepared. Identify scenarios which you could face and define action plans you have ready for such circumstances.

Even better, how could you create the conditions for change?

That way you would be in charge which is always a better feeling to have.

We talk more about this in our Leadership Destiny group where leaders share their experiences in view to constantly improve and grow as a result.

See you there.

John Higham

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