Leaders express the energy within

and they notice the results

Leaders express the energy within

Hello Leaders, I know. 

It’s been one week already since we last saw each other here.
I’m sure your week as a leader went well and that you have achieved many of your objectives. Have you been able to measure those achievements though? 

Are you sure you have actually reached your goals? 

Had you created a list not of a To-Do list but of a list of Outcomes you wanted to realise? 

And had you made them measurable

Why do I ask? 

Because way too often people do “stuff” and keep themselves busy without intention. Simply to keep the motion going. 

When there is no intent you cannot express your purpose and as a result, you cannot create an impact on your audience. 

This is so important (in my view). 

I hope it is becoming clear to you how important this is. 

If you have followed me for a while you will realise that being aligned with your destiny is key to growth. 

It guides you. 
It directs you. 
It enables you to serve others in no other way possible. 

the magic starts when you focus on others

Think of others and see the results

Think of others and magic starts to happen. 

Such is the true destiny of a Servant Leader. 

One who serves his team in the sense that the team always comes first without omitting to empower them so they become leaders themselves. 

Believing a leader is all about influence and influencing others is a fallacy that most will want you to believe. You know however that with the experience you have with your team that influence is not enough. It too often is perceived as manipulation which is a place you do not want to go if you want your team to follow you.

Your behaviour dictates your level of success. Nobody can be it for you. Just be, be you fully living your purpose and embracing the experience which will enable you to fulfil your destiny.

We talk more about this in our Leadership Destiny group where leaders share their experiences in view to constantly improve and grow as a result.

See you there.

John Higham

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